Projected from birth towards a global business
Leader in Italy and Europe, Laborplast operates in the production of recycled PVC cores and compound and PVC rods.
Laborplast S.p.A. was founded in 1958 in a small factory in Sacconago - Busto Arsizio, in the province of Varese.
Enhancing PVC recycling by bringing benefits to the environment and to the community.
We strongly believe that plastic materials, used responsibly, are necessary to maintain the standard of lifestyle currently achieved by developed countries. In Laborplast we offer our contribution to the recycling chain with advantages for the environment and the community, by reducing the introduction of new plastic on the markets and using over 70% recycled PVC for our products.The reuse of materials destined for landfill or incineration leads to lower energy consumption in the production process, lower CO2 emissions and the creation of jobs in the area, within a business that we believe can be truly sustainable.
Being the European leader in the PVC recycling chain.
Our knowledge and our way of doing business face an ever-changing and increasingly competitive global market. This is why we annually invest between 5% to 10% of our turnover in updating production technologies, digitising processes, training our resources and developing new product alternatives with the aim of being among the European leaders in the PVC recycling chain.
The term whistleblowing means the spontaneous disclosure by an individual (the whistleblower), of an offense or irregularity committed within the company, which he or she has witnessed in the exercise of their functions. The whistleblower can be either internal or external to the organization.
Code of Ethics and Model 231
Laborplast SpA has achieved an important milestone in the development path of its organization: the adoption of the Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01 (hereinafter Model 231) and the Code of Ethics.
Code of Ethics and Model 231 are available only in Italian.
Integrated management system
Laborplast S.p.A. following the analysis of the context, identification of stakeholders and assessment of risks and opportunities for improvement, has outlined a framework for the implementation of an Integrated Management System and the definition of the company's strategic goals.
Legality Rating
Laborplast has obtained the renewal of the legality rating for the period April 2024 - April 2026 with code RT3614, issued by the Competition and Market Authority with the maximum score.
Gender equality
Laborplast S.p.A.'s Gender Equality Policy defines the company's principles, objectives and guiding principles towards issues related to gender equality, diversity enhancement and women's empowerment.