Laborplast 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Laborplast endorses the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The program for people, planet and profit signed on September 25, 2015 by the governments of United Nations countries whose core is 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Sustainable Development Goals aim to address issues related to economic and social development, and include sustainable economic growth, climate change and protection to the environment.

Laborplast is concretely committed to the pursuit of some of these, in particular:

Topic: Employment [GRI 401] - Health and safety at work [GRI 403].
What we have done and still do:
Constant risk assessment and updating of the risk assessment report (DVR in Italy)
Noise reduction on several production lines
Constant monitoring of the efficiency of process fume extraction and abatement equipment
Periodic verification of workplace air quality
Obtaining ISO 45001:2018 certification
Offering all employees, a health insurance policy, with the possibility of extending it to their family
Provide anonymous questionnaires to employees concerning their perception of safety in the company
What we have in our plans:
Increasing sensitivity on “near miss” reports
Review procedures for handling loads weighing more than 20 kg
Encouraging physical activity through agreements with some local gyms/pools

Topic: Staff training and development [GRI 404].
What we have done and still do:
We annually define the training needs of all employees
We carry out annual competence assessments of all employees in order to understand possible areas for improvement
We annually ask the employees to evaluate the company, also regarding the training offered
What we have in our plans:
Introduce on a monthly basis 15–30-minute training breaks

Topic: Diversity and equal opportunities [GRI 405] - Non-discrimination [GRI 406].
What we have done and still do:
Obtaining Gender Equality certification UNI/PdR 125:2022
Adoption of impartial methodologies for the selection and remuneration of employees
Doubling the presence of women employees in 2019-2023
Exceeding the 50% threshold of female staff in clerical positions
Achievement of equal pay between men and women for equal tasks
Introduction of structural smart working
What we have in our plans:
Gender equality training course for all staff with an external instructor
Preparation and distribution of information to increase awareness of paternity leave
Sending out questionnaires to investigate the work-life balance needs of employees
Administration of employee well-being questionnaires; psychological support service
Developmental training plans for all employees based on their respective roles
Support for anti-violence centers

Topic: Water management [GRI 303] - Environmental compliance [GRI 307].
What we have done and still do:
Process water management by closed loop system
Periodic check of process water tank sealing
Installation of free water dispensers
Obtaining ISO 14001:2015 certification
What we have in our plans:
Reduce water use by 10% in relation to the number of employees

Topic: Energy consumption [GRI 302].
What we have done and still do:
Replacement of all lighting fixtures in production departments with LED lighting
Electricity production by means of a 280-kW photovoltaic system to cover at least 4% of annual consumption
Obtaining ISO 50001:2018 certification
What we have in our plans:
Installation of timed lighting systems
Gradual use of energy from renewable sources covered by GO

Topic: Economic performance [GRI 201] - Freedom of association and collective bargaining [GRI 407].
What we have done and still do:
Monitor employees' satisfaction level through a predefined questionnaire in order to check their perception of the workplace
Maintain at least 80 per cent of the employees hired with a permanent contract
Remunerate work at least EUR 9.30 per hour
Adoption of a code of ethics
Adoption of the Organisation, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001
Clear and transparent sharing of the criteria for processing the performance bonus
Fringe benefit payments to all employees in the amount of at least EUR 250 per year
What we have in our plans:
Enhancing employees' skills by increasing the number of training hours provided and encouraging active participation in the development of new ideas
Increase the budget for charitable donations to the local community by 10 per cent, particularly in the areas of support for the frail, the spread of sport among children and adolescents and the fight against disease

Topic: Economic performance [GRI 201] - Circular economy [GRI 301].
What we have done and still do:
Continuous evaluation of product performance through in-house laboratory and R&D activities
Cooperation with educational institutions through company open days and meetings with primary and secondary school students to give them an insight into the world of work
Partial digitisation of production process management and control
What we have in our plans:
Increase the budget available for the R&D function by 20%.
Fully digitising the management and control of production processes

Topic: Circular Economy [GRI 301] - Waste [GRI 306] - Environmental Compliance [GRI 307] - Marketing and Labelling [GRI 417]
What we have done and still do:
More than 65% of the raw materials we purchase are by-products or secondary raw materials (MPS) pre- or post- consumption
Obtaining two recycled product certifications: CSI Recycled Plastic and PSV Mixeco
Applying a QR code indicating the materials of which they are made on 80% of the packaging
Obtaining ISO 14001:2015 certification
Sending more than 90% of the waste produced for recycling
What we have in our plans:
Awareness-raising of all employees on correct waste disposal
Applying the QR code indicating the materials of which they are made on 100% of the packaging
Exclusive use of recyclable packaging
Reduction of waste in relation to kg processed, by department, by 10%.
Elimination, where available alternative can be found, of all components that give rise to hazardous waste
Sending more than 95% of the waste produced for recycling

Material topic: Emissions [GRI 305].
What we have done and still do:
Where available and economically viable, we prefer intermodal or ship transport to road transport
We assessed the company's carbon footprint (scope 1 and scope 2)
In winter, we partially heat up the departments with hot air recovered from the production process
What we have in our plans:
Reduction of CO2 Scope 1 emissions by 10% by 2030, compared to the 2023 value
Reduction of CO2 scope 2 emissions by 50% by 2025 and 100% by 2030, compared to the data of 2023