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The certifications are tangible evidence of our focus on people, quality, environment, safety and energy efficiency.

Tuv 1

ISO 9001:2015


Tuv 2

ISO 45001:2018


ISO 14001

ISO 14001:2015


Tuv 3

ISO 50001:2018



PLASTIC SECOND LIFE Mix Eco identifies products obtained from recycled plastic materials from separate collection and/or industrial waste.


Particularly, Laborplast guarantees the following percentages:


  • 30% for UPVC-PR-EPI, UPVC-PR-EPR, UPVC-PR-INJ compounds

  • 40% for 1-T-RI cores and UPVC-RI-EPI compounds

  • 50% for UPVC-RI-EPR, UPVC-RI-INJ compounds


ISCC PLUS Certificate

awarded by the Italian Institute of Plastics, attests that Laborplast complies with the requirements of the certification system ISCC PIÙ - International Sustainability and Carbon Certification.



attests the adoption of concrete policies and measures to ensure effective equality between women and men in the workplace: equal pay, access to career opportunities and training, full implementation of paternity leave, work-life balance, and smart working.

You can download each certification by clicking the logos.

The documents are available only in Italian.

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