Since 2017, Laborplast has equipped an
in-house laboratory
The laboratory is equipped with advanced instrumentation:
Scales for density calculation under ISO 1183-1
Zwick/Roell Plastometer for MFR (g/10min) and MVR (cubic meters/10min) fluidity measurement under ISO 1133/G
20KN Zwick/Roell dynamometer for tensile tests under ISO 527-1
20KN Zwick/Roell dynamometer for bending tests under ISO 178
Zwick/Roell 20KN dynamometer for compression tests under ISO 604
Zwick/Roell pendulum for Izod impact tests under ISO 180/5.5J
Thermomat Metrohm for thermal stability tests under ISO 182-3
FTIR Shimadtzu to verify the nature of any impurities in raw materials
Plasti-Corder Brabender to study the rheology of materials
Konica Minolta Spectrophotometer to check product colours.